Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Clearing Away the Dead Pumpkins & Paying The Puppy Ransom

My Farm is Back!
I've been farm-less since Saturday evening, but my farm is up and running this morning. I would like to think it had something to due with all the sage Farmville Support wisdom I received; but the fact is, I did everything Farmville Support said I should do to make my farm work again......and nothing happened.

I tried to load my farm, many times in fact.
I refreshed the page.. time after time after time..
I cleared the cache.
I redid my Flash program..twice
I updated my Direct X
I waited

I was prepared to do it all again during this morning's first cup of coffee and game-time, my daily computer play date before I get to work on what I really should be doing. I clicked on my Farmvile game link, and while I waited to see what was happening down on the farm, I opened another window and moved on to Mafia Wars. I'm working the Paris Mission, trying to steal the Mona Lisa, you know.

Just as I was retaliating against HolyFlip, who'd robbed my Mafia Wars Bangkok Drug Operation, I heard the cows mooing, the chickens clucking, the sheep baaing and that country music twang in the background.

Farmville Was Back - But My Puppy Was Gone!!
My farm was loaded up and ..... well...a bit withered.... dead pumpkins all over the place. And of course my puppy, little Nice-Nice, had run away. Puppies are pretty new in Farmville; but I understood if I didn't feed her on time, she would run away indeed.

But for a Farmville glitch, I fed her every day. Like a good little farm girl I did my part; so I was certain since it was a Farmville glitch they might send my little puppy home for free.


After a half hour of wandering through fallow forum pages and wading through a field of Farmville support links, I found out they would restore little Nice-Nice only if I'd paid for her with Farm Cash... that's pretend money paid for with real dollars. I'd bought little Nice-Nice with Farmville coins, virtual money earned from bringing in virtual crops.

My little puppy had been taken; and if I wanted her back, I had to pay a ransom to buy her freedom. I wanted to break out in a sad protest song.. you know, "We shall overcome" but I decided my energy was best spent in getting my farm together.

Dead Pumpkins & Mocking Signs
As I began clearing away all those dead and dried out pumpkins and vines, a sign kept popping up..."Nice-Nice has run away. Click here to rescue Nice-Nice." Of course I wanted my doggie back; but every time I clicked on that little pop-up sign, it slid back down into the farm innards from whence it came.

That little sign kept mocking me... popping up, then sliding back down, popping up, then sliding back down. Each time I clicked, nothing happened. So I decided to check out the Market. You can get anything at the Farmville Market, you know. And there it was "Rescue Dog" FV2 (Farmville Cash), that's not too bad for a puppy ransom. I also could have paid 30 Farm Cash for a bottle of "Unwither," a virtual spray that would have restored my crops to fresh and green and  harvest ready without my lifting a finger.

Buying My Puppy out of Bondage
Even if I do spend a lot of time in the virtual world of Social Games, I refuse to pay for virtual money to operate a virtual farm. I made up my mind about that. Fortunately I had earned a few Farm Cash, how I don't know; but it only cost 2 Farm Cash to buy little Nice-Nice out of Farmville Bondage, so I clicked the Rescue Dog link and little Nice-Nice came running across the field. Home again!

Don't you like a story with a happy ending

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